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The new has arrived!

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ban_NouveauSiteThe online presence of ORECA Store, the number one source for racing and auto enthusiast parts and accessories in France and one of the top in Europe, has undergone a major renovation with a new version of the site launched on May 15th. The redesign was carried out in the same way that a new race car is developed : work at length and in depth to find the right performance to reach an objective : improve user comfort, ease of use and information access through new functionality.

Leader in multi platform sales offering more than 250 brands across 35,000 products through its catalog, website and stores, ORECA Store is continually developing, notably on the web with The result of months of work led by the ORECA information systems direction in collaboration with the web and customer service departments of ORECA Store, the new version of the website has been dramatically changed in order to further impress users as well as facilitate their navigation.

The home page has been completely re-thought with a new menu for faster access to the products users are looking for. This also means a more detailed view of products is available, including details and availability, customer reviews and image preview.

And that’s only a small part of what is new. For easier access, the search tool has been redesigned with the most notable change coming in the form of filters that classify products using various criteria, including, among others, size and colour. Another function has been added to recap the availability of products by price and promotion, as well as by colour and size. In addition, certain products will now be available with a 360° view or video preview, without forgetting full integration to the top four social networks currently online.

This new version of is available in a semi-responsive format, in three different versions: one adapted for computer screens, one for tablets and another for smartphones. The idea was to adapt the platform to the user’s tool in order to improve the shopping experience.

From a technical standpoint, browsing is quicker overall. As the first large scale e-commerce site created under Magento,, beta tester of the andidot module, is adopting the latest version of the electronic commerce platform (1.8.1). The functionality of the site has also be designed to correspond to the newest and best practices from e-commerce, Magento and CSS. is one of the few websites to adhere to such standards. For even better reliability, the pursuit of quality was a priority, and exacted to a point rarely seen in France.

At the apex of the latest developments, as are the other branches of the ORECA Group, the website is now on track. And just like motor racing, it will evolve in the coming weeks, with other new features in sight.

